Sunday, May 9, 2010

Here I Am...

I've succumbed to peer pressure once again. The same two friends who made me get a Twitter account have now got me interetested in blogging.

We'll see how it goes.

I'm mainly starting this because I'll be working at camp this summer, and that experience is sure to be worth writing about and sharing. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me, the people I'm staffing with, and the hundreds of campers who will experience Christ. I can only hope to be one way they experience His love and generosity in their lives. One of the greatest desires of my heart is to make sure everyone knows they are loved. Whether they acknowledge it, reject it, or are indifferent, I don't want to have to say that I didn't try to show them. In the way I talk, act, and think, I am consciously aware of how others are perceiving me. I am trying to my hardest to live in such a way that the Love of God shines through me. I know I'm far from succeeding at this goal, but it's what I'm working towards.

God is doing some big things in me and through me. This blog will be my attempt at sharing those experiences with anyone who cares to read about them. Hopefully I won't be too boring.

It is now time for me to go experience Love in the purest form, the precious gift of the Eucharist. See y'all there.

Peace & Prayers,
